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Top 10 Food Equity Stories of 2024
Readers were fascinated this year with stories on butter avocados, microgreens, and what it means to eat meat today.
Butter avocados.Photo via Shutterstock.
Food can be a tricky thing. While we produce enough food for people globally, it doesn’t always get distributed equally. Food is also a powerful cultural connector, and can bring communities together.
This year, we looked at many stories of food access and equity, and what food means to people. From exclusive avocados and exorbitantly priced butter, to a microgreens farm and a community fridge, we took a look at all corners of our food system.
Here, we’ve collected our top 10 most read, shared, and commented on Food Equity stories for you to revisit. Let us know which stories you connected with the most in the comments.
In this series
What Will Become of Rice?
A critical global crop, rice makes up roughly 20 percent of calories consumed by humans, but it’s highly dependent on getting the right amount of water. Can it be bred to survive the changing climate?
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