Top 10 Conscious Consumption Stories of 2024 – Modern Farmer


This year, we brought you many stories of people connecting with their food, and examining how they consume it.

From looking at the true cost of eating meat, to reckoning with just how much plastic we use even in our home gardens, we explored how we consume and participate in our food system.

Here, we’ve collected our top 10 most read, shared, and commented on Conscious Consumption stories for you to revisit. Let us know which stories you connected with the most in the comments.

In this series

In Search of Sustainable Fragrance

Many perfumes and fragrances are unsustainably extracted from plants and animals or made from synthetic chemicals. I wanted to find another way.

Aerial view of biogas production plant.

Biogas From Mega-Dairies Is a Problem, Not a Solution

Manure biogas production has been touted as an environmental remedy to methane emissions from animal agriculture. But researchers, advocates and community members want you to know what’s really going on—and what you can do about it.

A pile of wasted food.

A Buffalo Renaissance

A comprehensive round-up of USDA initiatives aiming to restore bison herds to Native American communities.

Is the Farm Stop Revolution Upon Us?

A hybrid between a farmer’s market and a co-op store, farm stops are popping up across the country, helping customers access local food year round.

Sneaking Snake Onto the Menu

As global meat consumption continues to rise, our impact on climate does, too. Could snakes be the answer to a better meat?

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